angular aws css3 firebase flutter git html5 javascript mongodb node.js react sass



This set of projects uses the full MERN/MEAN stack. The API (Node.js, Express, MongoDB) is deployed on Heroku. 2 client-side applications are using the API - one built with React, the other one with Angular.


This project is a Progressive Web App built with React that uses the Google Calendar API. Users can filter events by location, change the number of events displayed, view/hide event details, and see event details on Google Calendar. The app utilizes serverless authentication via AWS Lambda and has offline capability.


This project is a React Native app for iOS and Android that allows users to chat, share images, and locations. Users can also select a background color before beginning their chat. The app also includes the ability to view messages offline while disabling input so no new messages can be sent.



This project is a web app written primarily in JavaScript with some JQuery. It loads Pokémon data from an external API. Users can view a list of Pokémon and click on a Pokémon's button to view a modal with more details.